Cronoscalate ハチ北 Hill climb 公道レース クラシックカー GTR Ferrari Porsche Lotus 事故 クラッシュ スピン 峠 かっこいい おしゃれ
2019年クロノスカラーテインハチ北に出場してきました。クラシック部門で Alfa Romeo 6cやランチアフルビアが走り、アルピーヌA110とエスコートの対決は最高でした!他にもクラシックミニやフィアット500そして僕のシムカラリー2などなどいろんな車が大活躍、ヨーロッパ車だけでなくフィアレディZやスカイラインGTRなどなど国産旧車も大活躍でした!ハチロクが走る姿はイニシャルDそのものでした(笑)
In 2019, he participated in Chrono Scala Tein Hachiboku. Alfa Romeo 6c and Lancia Fulvia ran in the Classic category, and the showdown between Alpine A110 and Escort was the best! In addition, various cars such as Classic Mini, Fiat 500 and my Simcarary 2 were very active, and domestic old cars such as Fear Lady Z and Skyline GTR were also very active as well as European cars!
It runs not only classic cars but also modern cars. Porsche to Ferrari. There was also a new alpine in the Lotus series, Lancia Delta! It is also one of the attractive features of hill climb that many types of cars run!
There were also crashes and spins. In particular, it was good that the response to the accident was quickly followed up by the organizers!
Hill climb is a competition that blocks up the general road and time-attacks the climb course. It consists of the prefecture, the police and above all the local cooperation.
The origin of hill climbs in Europe is old and has been around for the circuit. In the old days when the cars were super luxury vehicles, the nobles lived on the mountains and hills, and when they went for sale at the place of the nobles, the nobles climbed the mountain the fastest. It is the beginning to say to buy.
And another race buys a car that climbs this steep mountain better than a horse or carriage, this is the origin of the four wheel trial. The Hill Climb and Four Wheel Trial are competitions of very old origin.